Today’s Cat and Girl levels one of the most commonly-heard criticisms of Achewood, and furthermore, does so at a time when we haven’t even seen Molly in a strip in a full month.

The criticism is valid. It makes Achewood fans sick to admit it, but there aren’t a lot of ladies in the strip, and as the punchline of today’s Cat and Girl points out, Molly is really just a foil for Roast Beef. That said, it isn’t deep and realistic characters that make Cat and Girl such a good comic either. Cat eats paint, Girl is ambivalent about her hipsterism (obviously I make exception for the most well-fleshed character: Bad Decision Dinosaur). And yeah, Achewood doesn’t have the best crop of female characters (Tina, Ray’s Mom, Phillipe’s Mom… not an inspiring list), but what Chris Onstad does with the male characters makes it worthwhile. Dorothy Gambrell makes that clear with the first half of the joke I posted above. It is, of course, “well done, like Achewood?”
About Cat and Girl:
Cat and Girl is a long running comic, with archives back to 1999, about a cat, a girl, another girl, a boy, a vampire dude, hipsterism, consumer culture, and so on. It is highly likely that you will enjoy it. It’s also pretty likely that you didn’t need me to tell you that. Written by Dorothy Gambrell and posting Tuesday/Thursday/Friday, if that makes any sense.